Tuesday, August 16, 2011

US Department of Jobs

Word has come from Washington that a solution to the job crisis looming over this nation may be at hand. Government cronies, at this moment, in cooperation with international business leaders and transnational bankers are conjuring a plan to implement a new governmental department:

The US Department of Jobs.


Anyone who knows me knows I’ve feared something like this for years. Imagine if you will, a government official handing you a slip of paper. And on that slip of paper is where you are to report the next day for your new job.

Things in this country were bound to get to this point. An economy that jumps about from roaring one minute to reeling in retreat the next, a congress full of bought and paid for impostors, global corporations manipulating our currency, and the overall loss of any imaginative spirit in its citizens.

One of our greatest freedoms is that we can do what we choose when it comes to our profession. We can choose our vocation. We can quit our job anytime we want, we can start our own business if we think we can do it better, and there is no legal penalty for failure.

That is about to change.

Imagine a day when the government ‘assigns’ you a job. If your boss is an idiot, or if you think of a better way to do something, it doesn’t matter. Suck it up buttercup, you’re stuck with this job. Don’t like the wage? Too bad, a government panel has determined that the wage you earn is plenty sufficient for a family of five like yours. You will be given a raise yearly depending on your job performance score. To resign would be illegal.

Now imagine a system by which a government agency will track you throughout your entire working life. A job bureau if you would, organized and patterned after the credit bureau. You will be given a score, much like your credit score. It won’t easily be disputed, and its contents will be kept mostly in secret from you. Your boss will give you quarterly job performance reviews. They will be sterile and consist of vague questions and categories of measure. These performance reviews will be sent, by law, to the job bureau, where tabs will be kept and a score will be rendered. Absences, tardies, and such will smear a blemish upon your job score. Lulls in employment will lower your score. Deviations from dress code will affect your score. Like a medieval marriage between cousins, your credit score and your job score will soon be the two most important numbers in your life.

With the newly created US Department of Jobs, you can petition for a new job, but it won’t be easily. You will need to fill out the proper paperwork….online of course. Then you will need several references, and accompany all pertinent paperwork with copies of past job appraisals, ‘matter of’s’ pertaining to any absences, or tardies or anything of the nature. Several months shall pass, and matters will be complicated. Your denial will come, and the cause will be specified to an insufficient job score rating. You will need to apply for a copy of your job history record from any of the several governmental entities which keep track of such information. The call center will have been outsourced to the slums of East Dzerzhinsk, ironic since this agency falls under the jurisdiction of the US Department of Jobs. You are allowed one copy of your…YOUR job history report a year and you may make 3 disputes in writing every 18 months.

You think you have a better idea on how to do something? You think your boss is an idiot and you could do it better? Ever try dealing with the credit card companies? Well that should give you somewhat of an idea on what you’ll be facing, seens how that’s who runs the company you work for and who is slipping ownership of off-shore accounts under the table to your local congressman, and setting him up with $3000 a night hookers. You think he given two shakes of lamb’s tail what in hell you think?

The US Department of Jobs will be a federal institution, and obstructing its day to day operations will be punishable by federal incarceration. Unions will be seen and made illegal. Working conditions will falter, and working wages will plummet.

Any business is now big business. International corporations will swallow whole the small business owner. Cheap labor flooding into this country every day from Mexico will underscore and underbid the ma and pa service industry. Big business is owned and controlled by big banks. Big banks hold a controlling monetary interest in every single Fortune 500 company on Earth. Those with the gold, make the rules.

Tell your kids, go to school, study real hard, get good grades, do everything the nice teacher tells you to. You want your school score to look good to the US Department of Jobs when employment hand-out time comes. Some will be chosen for higher programming at any of the newly government funded colleges, but most will be assigned to the fields.

Assigned and instituted debt will force us into a lifetime of indentured servitude, while a new monarchy class comes to be…here on American soil. We will be pheasants born to a pre-determined future; assigned a master, and whipped by never ending tolls, levies, fees, licenses, and permits.

A US Department of Jobs will mask nothing more than a kinder, gentler, more socially acceptable US Department of Slavery.

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